Role of feedback

Humans endure limitation on food and liquids better than privation of intrinsic feedback. ■More

To see and win:
human immunity

Human immune defense is primarily protein, and about 10% of the human genome is virus memory, studies say. The proportion is most probably related to the acquired, natural immunity to have come with food. ■More

Krashen and California pang of conscience

To reckon on things that are not war, that are good-rounded and even preferably smith — American English should be the official language of the United States; or, an official language at least.

Website search


The idea to trans-create things is recognized mostly for painting or other visual art styles. The matter here yet is, how can we trans-create with language? ■More

I do not have it (!)

It is Wikipedia psychological concept of “internal communication” that I do not have. Let me quote on the thing, reckon if it is good, and then I tell what I have. ■More


Casual Shakespeare: a type from Stratford on Avon

Painters and palettes: the brushstroke remains

Sisley Edge of Wood, Poster

Thomas Paine, aide-de-camp to general Nathanael Greene; United States of America Congressional envoy in Paris: click to read about the picture.

Poetry by Emily Dickinson

Notes for
Emily Dickinson’s poetry

Fascicles and print, the poetic correlative with Webster 1828, Latin and Greek inspiration, an Aristotelian motif, Things perpetual — these are not in time, but in eternity. ■More

Resource for
Emily Dickinson’s poetry

The epsilon, predicate structure, vowel contour, phonemics, person reference in abstract thought, and altogether stylistic coherence, for manuscripts and print piece-by-piece. ■More

Life | Love | Nature | Time and Eternity

From my American English Generative Grammar:

Planet Earth has been a human natural habitat for millennia. In thousands of years, people to think what there is {ON} a map, have not denied plausibility for places {IN} areas, routes {TO} places, as well as locations {AT} them. Early childhood learning to walk has gotten along with learning to talk. Feel welcome to ■THE TRAVEL IN GRAMMAR.

USA Charters of Freedom

US Constitution is a “syntax bonanza”, that is, an exceptionally rich resource. We cannot have language forms that are hundreds of years aged, to learn modern grammar, but we can update the language form. Feel welcome to my notes on the linguistic update. ■More

A New People

Out of one, many, tells the sibyl by Virgil. Out of many, one, says the US Great Seal.

We are not developing a conspiracy theory, as Americans would have to practice a regime in own country, to try dictating the world, and to imagine the people willing is not only a little too hard. On the side of meaning: Virgil wrote for Octavian Augustus, who had Cicero proscribed and executed. The Framers might have used the poetry to learn Latin, but would they have followed it for the word sense in the US Great Seal? ■More

The Latin demeanor

Why say circles, if we say cats? Ancient money talk along Roman trade routes can give us a clue. ■More


Flowing Colors ■My Spring

More from Teresa

The commatoform disorder

Punctuation, the comma, the dash, and other such characters, are to make the written matter clear. There is some logic to it, yet language is not a system, and this must be why the new canon does not add up with the definition, in Polish. ■More


Love of mind and language is the sense of this field of human activity. There is no requirement for a Sentimentalist flair: love is simply an elegant shape for a word (filia), and minds never are fond of affective disorders (logos). Regarding an idea ugly as a mind without natural language — love is dainty. ■More

Objective non-correlative

The original phrase for pathetic fallacy was reportedly “emotional falseness”, thus it might have been that clouds were smiling on Mr. Ruskin too, only nobody told him. ■More

The toolbox republic

Born in Poland — and nobody ever has choice on the time and place to be born — you cannot change your citizenship, unless the President grants permission. There is Polish law to say, the President’s resolve cannot be appealed. ■More

The world may never have seen her original handwriting, if her skill was taken for supernatural. Feel welcome to Poems by Emily Dickinson prepared for print by Teresa Pelka: thematic stanzas, notes on the Greek and Latin inspiration, the correlative with Webster 1828, and the Aristotelian motif, Things perpetual — these are not in time, but in eternity.
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